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Begin your journey of connection with the Spirit Worlds
In Spirit Guides, Mediumship and Moon Magic let Steve take you on a journey to meet your spirit guides and connect with your gatekeeper. Over the weeks you will cultivate a relationship with them and discover past lives you have shared.
Connection with your spirit guides is the first step on your path to clairvoyance as you develop the ability to receive information.
We also explore mediumistic connection with your loved ones who have passed on, receiving messages from them and helping you advance on your journey of spiritual growth and power.
We call our style of guided meditation, Transmutational Meditation. It is designed to take you on the journey of empowerment, teaching you the skills to travel the road independently, as you use these tools to develop your own unique magical and spiritual path.
This book walks you through a 4 week course to build your connection with your spirit guides, gatekeeper and members of your family who have passed on. The course will leave you with a firm connection to spirit, the ability to receive messages, guidance, and confirmation of your magical and spiritual choices.
Outline of this Course:
Week One:
Introduces you to your spirit guides, builds connections, invocation/evocation and ways to access the knowledge, skills, and power of your soul family.
Week Two:
Connects you with your Gatekeeper as your protector, teacher, organizer of your spiritual experiences, a great warrior spirit that will show you how to claim your knowledge and power.
Week Three:
Introduces you to techniques and experiences of working clairvoyantly with your Spirit Guides opening you up to a whole world of knowledge, power, and spiritual growth.
Week Four:
Builds your connection to the work of mediumship, working with the souls of the dead in both this world and the spirit worlds.
DIY - Ebook Only
- Grab the Ebook of the course
- Includes history, technique overview, and Steve's teachings from Spirit
- Get the text of the meditations to work with on your own.
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Ebook and Meditations
- Get the Ebook of the course
- Get the videos of the Transmutational Meditations
- Steve's voice will lead you through each of the 4 meditations, use the recordings again and again to deepen your practice
Get the Meditation Combo Pack
Full Course
- Get the Ebook of the course
- Get the videos of all 4 Transmutational Meditations
- Get the videos of the Lecture Series
- Steve will give you all the context and information you will need to be able to do your own Sigil and Servitor Magic.
Get the Full Course Now