Ask Questions and Get Answers
Book your private reading with Steve today to get your deeper questions answered or get a general feel for what is manifesting in your life.
5 Minute Recorded Video Readings
Quick Questions, Fast Answers
For those who would like a little more depth than we can offer on the Weekly Ask Spirit Live Call or don't want to wait till Sunday, we have a new service available.
You can email or PM your question and a photo of you or your situation for quick answers. These can be 3-4 specific questions or open ended general reading questions.
Steve will record a 5 min reading for you to answer your questions and get your answers back to you, usually in 2-3 days.
Request your answer today only $25
Book Your Reading Now
Clairvoyant Reading Calls

In these personal "face-to-face" Video calls Steve can talk with you to get satisfying answers to your deeper questions. You can also look ahead into how the energy of 2020 is coming tougher for you and what actions you can take to shift it to change your outcomes if you desire.
Steve tends to work directly with Spirit to consult on different areas of your life, whatever it is you need. Steve and Spirit work together partly to look at where the energy is in your life or project. In a reading he can answer specific questions, confirm your thoughts or feelings, ...or predict outcomes, whatever it is you need.
Choose your session length below:
20 mins - $50
30 mins - $80
1 hour - $150
Steve is also known as "English Stephen" in some of his reading platforms. If you have been looking for him under that name you are in the right place.